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The Alumni Public Service Award honors a faculty or staff member whose work has made a significant impact on the Knoxville-area community.

Named for the first dean of women at UT, this award honors outstanding leadership in campus governance or administration at the level of department head, director, or below.

The Charles R. Burchett Extraordinary Contributions to Campus Life award is named for the World War II veteran, former Knox County Schools administrator, and UT dean of students to honor students and student organizations for extraordinary contributions to campus life.

The Excellence in Academic Outreach award honors those who exemplify UT’s land-grant mission by using intellectual capital to benefit the citizens of Tennessee.

The Extraordinary Campus Leadership and Service awards recognize graduating students who are extraordinary campus leaders for their significant service to others.

The Extraordinary Community Service (faculty or staff) award rewards a faculty or staff member who exhibits the Volunteer spirit in the community.

The Extraordinary Community Service award honors students and student organizations that exhibit the Volunteer spirit in the community.

The Extraordinary Customer Service award is given to a university employee who is consistently optimistic and serves students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors with great care.

The Extraordinary Service to the University award honors faculty members, staff members, or friends for noteworthy service to the university.

The Macebearer is the highest faculty honor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and is symbolic of the faculty’s commitment of service to students, to scholarship, and to society.