The Extraordinary Service to the University Award honors faculty members, staff members, and friends for noteworthy service to the university.
Lori Cole
Lori Cole is attending veterinarian for the university’s animal care program and director of the Office of Laboratory Animal Care. She oversees federal compliance and accreditation of animal facilities on campus and the welfare of animals in those facilities. Her feedback and expertise over the past two years have been instrumental in completing the new Mossman Building vivarium, and she has provided innovative solutions to prevent disruption during the transition to the new facility. In addition, since the retirement of the animal facility manager, she has taken on much of that role while serving on the search committee for a new manager. From advising architects and planners to cleaning cages when staffing is short, Cole works to ensure the welfare of animals on campus and to meet researchers’ needs.
What does being a Volunteer mean to you?
I love interacting with the next generation of scientists and enhancing the care provided to our laboratory research and teaching animals. It is a privilege to work with our lab animals and I strive to provide guidance so that research scientists perform their work proficiently to generate sound science, while also keeping animal welfare as a top priority.