The LGBT Student Leadership is given by the Commission for LGBT People to a student who demonstrates a commitment to advancing lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues on campus.
Sarah Swinford
Sarah Swinford, a forestry, wildlife, and fisheries major with a minor in psychology, has a passion for animal conservation and the rehabilitation of animals. She plans to become a National Park Service ranger after graduation. In her time at UT, Swinford has shown a similar level of passion and consideration for the needs of the LGBTQIA+ community and social justice for all, regardless of sexual orientation. She was a camp mentor for UT’s first-ever Cultivating aGIRLculture and is a member of the Personal Safety Committee. She has served as a Pride Ambassador for two years. After the defunding of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and the Pride Center, she helped the Pride Ambassadors become a registered student organization to preserve the education and programming the group offers. Swinford is an agent of positive change at UT, and through her active leadership in Pride Ambassadors she demonstrates a strong commitment to advancing respect and civility on campus.