Ready for the World honors those who enhance intercultural and international awareness of students and the campus community.
Neal S. Eash
Neal S. Eash, professor of biosystems engineering and soil science, has led student trips to Lesotho, Guatemala, Thailand, Vietnam, Zambia, Peru, Costa Rica, and Honduras. Eash’s work in Africa centers on conservation and no-till agriculture and soil erosion prevention. By bringing students to assist, he is training the next generation of scientists to help the world address the challenges of feeding a growing population and preserving the environment. In 2003, the UT African Student Association honored his work in community development in Africa. Over the years, Eash has provided technical assistance to many companies, published two textbooks, and authored more than fifty refereed publications. He is an associate editor of Agronomy Journal and NACTA Journal.
Andrew Seidler
Andrew Seidler, who now directs the Office of National Scholarships and Fellowships, spent his first five years at UT developing and leading the Haslam College of Business’ fledgling first-year study abroad program. He first brought students to Costa Rica, choosing the country for its popularity, close proximity to the United States, and strong ecotourism industry. Seidler then ventured out and took on the challenge of adding Cuba to the program. Both countries have provided students with opportunities to interact with local businesspeople and learn about the complex political and social issues involved in international business practices.