The Charles R. Burchett Extraordinary Contributions to Campus Life award is named for the World War II veteran, former Knox County Schools administrator, and UT dean of students to honor students and student organizations for extraordinary contributions to campus life.
Central Program Council
The Central Program Council consistently produces student events that are challenging, entertaining, and engaging. Serving as the major programming body on campus, the CPC strives for diversity in its annual offerings. CPC hosts more than seventy-five events a year, ranging from visual arts to comedians to educational speakers. CPC’s work not only entertains students, but also gets them involved with one another and more connected to campus life. Participating in CPC develops students’ abilities in leadership, teamwork, delegation, and the mechanics of budgeting and marketing events.
Last fall, the National Association for Campus Activities’ Southern Regional Conference awarded CPC its Board of Excellence award.
“CPC is a driving force that contributes immensely to the entire campus culture,” their nominator said. “I commend and applaud these students for their dedication to providing quality programs and events, and for their excellent work.”
NAACP Student Chapter
The student chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has made outstanding and innovative contributions to raising social awareness at UT and in the greater Knoxville community. The organization promotes opportunities to discuss such important topics as improving the retention rates of underrepresented students. The chapter hosted “Halt Sexual Assault,” which brought representatives from the police department to discuss resources, facts, and prevention tips for enhancing personal safety. In the wider community, the group chooses a Knox County school to host Fall Festival, a safe and fun Halloween activity. This event treats schoolchildren to food and games and provides them with an opportunity to interact with community authorities such as police and firefighters.